14 de març del 2015

Enormous Ocean Discovered On Jupiter's Moon

News: A planet with life might exist, that's the Jupiter's moon Ganymede. The Hubble Space Telescope saw an ocean (formed by saltwater) underneath the surface of Ganymede. Plus, believe that life on this moon is feasible is that it has its own magnetic field with gravity. The magnetic field cause auroras (like the Earth ones), and studying this kind of event you can know something about the magnetic field and the moon's inside. Ganymede's ocean is estimated to be 10 times deeper than our oceans.

Personal opinion: I agree with the idea of life on another planet because we are so egocentric and we use to think that the Earth is the only planet with life, and that's nonsense. We aren't alone in the universe, and that's clear. I might be afraid of meeting some bad ET or another evil civilisation like scifi movies' plot. On another hand meeting another type of life may help us and we help them on a lot of things like health or the resolution of many conflicts.

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