11 de maig del 2015

News: A new mum has given birth to twins who have different fathers. The mother admitted that she had slept with a different man of her boyfriend. Doctors carried out a paternity test what revealed that the two men are actually fathers. The judge of this case, Mohammad, said he found only two other court cases like this, it seems to occure in one of every 13000 reported paternity cases involving twins.

It seems medically impossible, but it isn't, it's named heteropaternal superfecundation, and occurs when a moman has two eggs during menstural cycle and different men impregnate one egg each.

Opinion: Poor father, what a shameful way of finding out that his girlfriend had cheated on another guy, and then she became pregnant of two!  That's such a familiar drama, the twins are twins but with different fathers, and had borned at the same time same place. For avoiding puzzling situations like these one, think it twice before having an affaire.


Jillian and Hudson Grovenburg

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