27 de gener del 2015

Research paper abstract

Do you know what a leukodystrophy is? In case you don't, it's a group of minority diseases, practically unknown. My research paper abstract describes this degenerative illness and the hereditary factors which involve it. 
Also I looked into some research lines (most of them about stem cells) with a clear conclusion: we need more research on minoritary diseases. To prove it I did a survey to 35 families who are affected by leukodystrophy, and the average time to get the diagnose is more than 2 years, an alarming datum that means the lack of research on this diseases.

I wanted to write down on a paper some social aspects that affect the life and the coexistence with a disability in my personal point of view and with my personal experience, passing from the home or car adaptations to the not medical therapies, like hippotherapy.
If you want to know more about leukodystrophies you'll find my research paper abstract below. 

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