9 de febrer del 2015

Plastic surgery dialogue

GLORIA: Hi mum, it's Gloria. I have something to tell you...
SUE: No! Pleas God! You are not pregnant, are you?
G: Mum you are literally freaking out! C'mon I'm eighteen doing a degre!! I'm not silly, am I?
S: No, honey you aren't silly, sorry. I'm a bit nervous because.. er.. the TV series is almost starting and today Rodrigo will marry Rosario.
G: OK. When could we meet?
S: You can come this weekend to havr dinner, if you want.
G: Yes, awesome I love your saturday's macarronis.
S: Goodbye, kisses... see you!
G: Mum why you didn't make my pasta?

S: C'mon... I have no time for it. Eat your roasted chicken!! No, no!! Wait please. First we must thank God for this amazing food.

G: Oh mum! Please, we are at he 21th century.
S: Shut up! Lord Jesus, thank you because I have something to eat today, bless people who don't have the same. Thanks for your amazing love. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Enjoy your meal!
G: This chicken isn't from the Ed's shop, is it?
S: Well, I know that you two aren't no more together, but I miss him and it tastes very good! What do you have to tell me?
G: Ah, yes.. am... I... I want to get into sterical surgery.
S: What???
G: I want to fix my nose and by the way get a size more on my little girls.
S: Gloria, you are meeting the devil. God made you perfect as you are, you don't have to fix anything!
G: God didn't make me, your belly made me.
S: You are insane, lving with that gut called "Bart" is changing you.
G: He is Ben!! An he has nothing to fo with this. Please give him a chance. Appearences can be deceptive.
S: I don't care about it, you are making a huge mistake.
G: No, mum I already paid for the doctor and I will be operated next month.
S: OK, so I'm done.
G: Done of what?
S: I'm done with you, we are over. When you stopped dating with Ed I said fine. When you dropped out the degree that I paid I said fine. But now?
G: Now what?
S: Gloria, if the surgeon touch you, you'll be not my daughter anymore.
G: It's my life mum! Just live with it!
S: It's your life? Okay I want you to give me back the car I borrowed you.
G: I hate you! I'm leaving OK? You won't see me again.
S: Fine, you'll figure it out.

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